It is the appearance of the app version of
the “The Map of Kyoto with 100 people!”
“The Map of Kyoto with 100 people” is a series of events to walk around the city. It’s being disseminated by Kyoto University School of Design to make the map displays the “thoughts and feelings” of the people sticking around Kyoto. It was held twice in 2013, and a lot of people were involved in it.
The map had been confined to the participants is now available as an app for anyone!
You can use and even create the map with this app in your hands!
With your walk around Kyoto and tweets of your feelings, a whole new map of
Kyoto made of everybody’s feelings will be built up.
● ○ How to Use The Map ○ ●
1. Tweet about ANYTHING you felt or found in the city of Kyoto using this app!
2. You will see tweets located on the map with the information from GPS.